Avoid Tea and Coffee : ICMR's Dietary Guidelines says that Excessive Consumption leads....

Excessive Consumption leads to Increase Blood Pressure, abnormalities in heart beat and Heart Disease. A Cup of brewed Coffee contains 80-120 mg Caffeine, instant Coffee Consist 50-65 mg Caffeine and...., ICMR warned of Excessive Consumption of Tea and Coffee. 

Avoid Excessive Consumption of Tea and Coffee 

ICMR Dietary Guidelines for Indians 

Last week, the Indian Council of Medical Research released 17 Dietary Guidelines for Indians in which detailed description and exact conclusions were given on topics from Healthy Lifestyle to Balanced Meal. In the Dietary Guidelines, directions were given to remain physically active, have Square Meal , drink plenty of water, Avoid Alcohol , ,Milk Tea and Much More. 

"Avoid" Milk Tea and Coffee, Marked in the ICMR Guidelines

The Indian Council of Medical Research, in collaboration with the National Institute of Nutrition, released a comprehensive researched report in Which under Guideline 14 it talked about "avoiding" excessive consumption of Milk Tea and Coffee. 

"Stimulates Central Nervous System"

Guidelines Says that, Excessive consumption of tea and coffee stimulates our "Central Nervous System", not only this, Excessive drinking of tea and coffee also increases our psychological dependence.

Caffeine leads to "Abnormalities in Heart Beat" 

In the guidelines, it is also Highlighted that Excessive consumption of tea and coffee leads to "Increased Blood Pressure" and Abnormalities in Heartbeat. Excessive consumption of caffeine contained in milk tea and coffee significantly increases the risk of "bad cholesterol, triglycerides and heart disease." 

Contamination of Caffeine in Prominent Beverages

The Comprehensive Guidelines also mention the amount of caffeine in some prominent beverages: A cup of brewed coffee, which is usually 150 ml, contains 80 to 120 mg of caffeine, Instant coffee contains 50 to 60 mg of caffeine, There is 30 to 65 mg of caffeine in 1 cup (150 ml) of tea.

Suggested Black and Green tea Without..

ICMR also mentioned in the Dietary Guidelines that Black and Green Tea contains chemicals called "theobromine" or "theophylline" which help a lot in blood circulation, and also provide relief from Coronary Disease and Stomach Cancer — If milk is not added to Black and Green Tea then the body gets the benefit of all these Beneficial Chemicals.

Mentioned, Not Complete ban on Tea and Coffee 

However, in the guidelines, ICMR did not recommend a complete ban on tea and coffee, rather it recommended moderation in the Consumption of tea and coffee. The  Report marked " Similarly, Excessive Consumption of Tea Should also be avoided due to its Caffeine Content" 

Intake Limited to 300 mg per day 

According to the ICMR standard, a person's daily caffeine intake in India should not exceed 300 mg. Along with this, there should be a gap of at least one hour between the consumption of food and tea or coffee. 

Tea Reduce the Risk of Premature Death

According to a study conducted by Harvard University in China, Mentioned that, consumption of 2-3 cups of tea daily reduces the risk of premature death, heart disease and stroke. The Report of Harvard University Spotlighted that, " Observational research has found that tea consumption of 2-3 cups daily is associated with a reduced risk of premature death, heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes." 

ICMR-NIN Guidelines on Water and Soft Drinks 

Avoid Soft Drinks and Mixed Fruit Juice

In the dietary guidelines, it was advised not only to drink tea and coffee but also to avoid processed soft drinks and mixed juices. It was Highlighted in the Guidelines that, "Synthetic Soft Drinks are not Substitues for water or Fresh Fruits and therefore Should be avoided." 

Soft Drinks Only consist 7% fruit Pulp 

According to research, less than 7% fruit pulp is found in soft drinks, Soft Drinks Contains artificial sweetening agents, edible acid (malic acid, citric acid or vinegar) and natural or artificial fruit colors are mixed in processed fruit drinks.

Damage teeth enamel and appetite 

In the guidelines of ICMR, it has been warned that carbonated beverages contain Phosphoric acid which damages the teeth enamel, if it is consumed in excessive amount then it can also damage the appetite.

Instead of Synthetic Soft Drinks use this...

Sugarless Buttermilk, Lemon Water, Whole Fruit Juice Coconut water was declared an excellent choice instead of Beverage and Synthetic Soft Drinks. Apart from this Synthetic Soft Drinks contain huge amount of sugar which is very harmful for our health.

Body made up of 70% of water 

1 out of 17 guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research is on water – because our body is made up of 70% water and hence proper intake of water is mandatory. The Report Spotlighted that 

"A Normal Healthy Person Needs to Drink about eight Glass ( approximately 2 litres ) of water including Beverages Everyday." 

Adequate water for maintain good Health 

The Study marked that, Water is very vital to maintain our body – Water plays a key role in the body's proper hydration and metabolic activities. It was highlighted in the guidelines that we should always drink safe and potable water in our body so that we can be safe from disease like Fluorosis.

World Health Organisation : Tea Coffee Consumption 

While ICMR is Suggesting People to avoid the consumption of Tea and Coffee – But a report from World Health Organization is saying the opposite.

Tea and Coffee : Prevention of Various Cancers 

The World Health organization conducted a research study in 1982. In which the association of tea consumption with various types of cancer (including breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer etc.) was reported.

"inverse association of tea consumption.."

The Research Study said that " Several studies initiated in our laboratory and subsequently verified from many other laboratories have suggested that catechins and theaflavins found in tea may reduce the risk of various types of cancers in humans. Various reports have shown an inverse association of tea consumption with the development of certain types of cancer [2, 13, 14]. The reported effects of tea on skin, prostate, lung and breast cancer in humans..." 

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