Scientist Confirmed that Earth Core Slowing Down, and Even Rotating in Reverse Direction
Latest Update: Scientist showed their amazing research in which a very shocking revelation was made. That the hottest layers of the Earth "Core" have been gradually slowing down its speed since 2010 — not only this, but it is also believed that Core of the Earth is also moving in the reverse direction.
Earth's Core is Rotating Slower and Even in Reverse Direction
A scientist who is actively researching this theory told the New York Times, ""No matter which model you like, there's some data that disagrees with it. But even so, the pieces will eventually come together into one clear picture as research continues, and one day, we may fully understand everything about Earth and its inner workings.""
What is Earth's Core ?
Earth is mainly made up of 4 layers, in which the innermost layer is called "Core". Core is the hottest layer among all the layers of the Earth. This is the centre of the Earth and it is very dense. You can guess its hottest temperature from this fact that the temperature of the "core" is equal to the surface temperature of the sun. The surface temperature of the Sun is 5,499° Celcius (10,000° Fahrenheit) while the temperature of Earth's core is 5,430° Celcius (9,800° Fahrenheit).
Experiment Conducted Several Decades Ago Proved that.....
If we go by the experiments done many decades ago by scientists, then the slowing down of the speed of the Earth's core is not very serious or worrisome because scientists had found in their experiments done in 1960 that the Earth's core moves like a pendulum.
Researchers believed that the speed of the core oscillates like a pendulum which follows a cycle of 70 years. The speed of the inner core matches that of the Earth's surface every 35 years. And 2040 is the closest Coming time when the speed of Earth's surface and its core will match.
"Differential rotation of the inner core was proposed as a phenomenon in the 1970s and '80s, but it wasn't until the '90s that seismological evidence was published," said Dr Lauren Waszek, a senior lecturer of physical sciences at James Cook University in Australia.
What if Earth Core is Slowing Down or Rotating in Reverse Direction ?
Now if the spinning speed of the Earth's core is slowing down then what difference will it make? So its answer is it will make a very bad difference. Our Earth's core has magnetic attraction and it affects the magnetic attraction of our earth. It is Believed that magnetic field of earth is is Strongly affected by Electric Current and fluid, and this Electric Current is Generated by Outer and Inner Core, by this we can Conclude that slowing down of Core is will not affect so much, but its absence will surely.
A Study of Colombia: Proved Dynamic Speed of Inner Core
A study was conducted in Columbia in 1996 in which the journey of different phases of seismic waves through the Earth's core was analyzed, which indicated that the internal core rotates faster than the Earth's surface. After this, in 2000 and 2001, another deep analysis was done on this study in which the matter of Dynamics Speed of Inner Core was proved.
From 2009 to 2021, seismic timing became stable as the rotation speed of the moving core and surface became synchronized. This shows that similar pattern can be seen in the study conducted in 1960 and the study conducted in 2000. As per the 70th year cycle, it is proved that the internal core and earth surface get aligned every 35 years
Before this study it was believed that the inner core was moving with the motion of the Earth's surface - but not anymore. Recently a study has been published in Nature Geoscience Research revealing that the Earth core is moving a little slower than the Earth surface.
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