Nita Ambani gifted a necklace worth Rs 451 crore to Shloka Mehta.
But guess what ?
Even their daughter Shloka Mehta has jewellery that's not just the most expensive in India but in the world the Ambani Family is famous for their luxurious lifestyle and spending habits.
They have all sorts of expensive things and Shloka Mehta owns a necklace worth more than 451 crores which was gifted to her by Nita Ambani as a wedding present.
Recently a photo of Shloka mehta went viral in which, she is seen wearing this necklace.
Let's tell you that this necklace is the most expensive necklace in the world and the world's largest diamond has been used to make it this, eye-catching necklace called the L'incomparable necklace is from a famous jeweler in lebanon called Mouwad.
It has a flawless diamond and 91 others to telling a hoping of 200 carrots the necklace is estimated to be worth around 492 crores.
The centre piece of the necklace is a golden diamond called L incomparable which is the biggest flawless diamond in the world weighting a massive 407.48 carats.
The most special thing of this necklace is its cut and design which cannot be copied and recreated.
This is also a factor why it holds the title of the most valuable necklace in the world, setting a world record.
Also, buying the world's most expensive necklace is not a big deal for The Ambanis. They own many such thing which are worth more than 100 crore.
Recently the choti Bahu of Ambani was spotted with a tiny bag which attracted everyone's attention and it costs around 52 lakh rupee.
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